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5 Tips for a Better Detox

Detoxification, often known as detox, is a well-liked buzzword. Usually, it entails adhering to a particular diet or utilizing particular items that promise to cleanse your body of toxins, enhance health and encourage weight reduction. According to popular belief,...

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Thursday Vibes-Okra Season Thursdayvibes Have you been slacking around with your diet during the summer? Reset with the season & my gut healing program. It’s Okra season! Thanks to @fallcreekfarmersmarket #Buylocal WILD RICE, STIR-FRIED OKRA MEDLEY W/ PLANT BASED (kelp)...

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Substitute wraps with Seaweed Rolls.

SEAWEED ROLLS w/ cucumbers, sweet peppers with masala and vegan ranch dipping sauce.Filling is a Stir-fried Rice substitute (😉 less carbs), pea protein crumbles and minced veggies. It was 😋Kids now love seaweed wraps. Why ?Iodine [ ➕️ significantly lowers calories]...

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Tuesday Tip

Tuesday TipContinuing The Reset We are on our RESET,It’s not too late to join us.Call and find out about our Summer Reset packages.We are almost at our max. Salad Dressings?Home-made vs. Store bought.I do a bit of both. Why?Salads are wonderful and a go-to for...

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Summer Metabolic Reset

Think your allergies are only from pollen, dust, or something else specific you tested for ?Maybe, but Most likely not…Especially if they keep getting worse.Other things could impact it, esp toxins in foods. Whether you have allergies or not, I’m sharing EWG guide for...

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Wellness Offer of the Month

Get 10% off, when you sign up for any of our plans.Why? People are on the usual wave of summertime coming in and want to get tuned up, lose weight, feeling better, more alive, well and happy in their bodies. I’m thinking more long-term health and wellness and most...

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Tuesday Tip

Tuesday Tip As you shop and make Thanksgiving feasts, do not sabotage your health and wellness goals when you want to stay gluten-free. The issue with gluten free trend, is most things that are used as substitutes can be just as inflammatory or even worse for the...

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My lil” munchkin… ASCENSION is a spiral

My lil” munchkin…ASCENSION is a spiral Remember Healing is a Journey.My purpose is to help you find more clarity in your journey and facilitate your healing process, on all levels- physically, mentally, emotionally and especially Spiritually. The transformation is...

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Start your Detox Journey the right way!

Start your Detox Journey the right way!Be Aware of your breath…How you breathe is how you live ? Even as you read this, if you probably thought, “Well, we all breathe 🤷🏾‍♀️!”You probably take a lot of seemingly simple but immensely important things in life for...

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