Spiritual Guidance Session

From Ancestor Diviner and my mentor – Malidoma, “Divination is an effective tool for tackling the crisis of the human psyche in modern times. Divination clarifies the meaning of the Soul’s quest and sheds light to the obstacles to overcome on the way to successful living. In other words, divination does not just tell you what is going on in your life; it tells you what you need to do in order to flow into your gifts and fulfill your purpose. Divination provides a positive spin on human challenges by emphasizing gifts and purpose.” For my more biblical-inclined people- Consider this, Sometimes, ones who are sensitive or have visionary dreams may also have this as part of their blood line. Think about Joseph in the bible and visionary dreams, and even more importantly, the three wise men who found Jesus. They have actually been linked to blood line of ancestors in Nigeria, and were able to divine and see the incoming of a very important Soul- aka “Jesus” and were able to present gifts he needed, as well as, tell parents how to travel and proceed to avoid death or any accidents. They are sometimes called astrologers today because they could read the stars -aka “spiritual realms”. This is very similar. God created everyone with their unique purpose and path, and all who are from such lineages are meant to use this to help people on their soul journeys and to get more comprehensive information from “What we do not see”- as they do still impact us. “Blessed are those who do not see, and yet believe”. Yes, God/Soruce is always called into this space as I divine. I use an ancient ancestral tradition that’s been passed through many generations of diviners and healers. I was honored to have been able to identify my “over sensitive” nature, “weird insights” and deep connection to nature as one who is from such a lineage, and have since been gaining more wisdom and insight. My teachers are Ancestor Malidoma Patrice Some’ and Professor John Chukwuemeka Umeh. Many tools use for Divination cowry shells, sticks, rocks, kola nut, etc.- Divination is a language from other realms, and our Ancestors, a language of the soul. A diviner can see into other realms and dimensions and transmit those messages as a vessel for how to be in this world. Diviners are able to access Spiritual realms, metaphysical energies and get information that helps with every level of direction in their lives, whether physical, emotional/mental or Spiritual, with reference to Akashic records, karmic learnings, lessons of curses in families and ancestors, entities that may be influencing one’s life, and more. Nature Prescriptions for healing are usually given. During sessions with me, I use breathwork when in the field to activate your own healing energy and allow that to be your healing space. Due to the nature of who I am, I do Divinations and my Intuitive abilities are intertwined, so intuitive insights are also part of these consultations. As I do them, I do realize a lot of other healing modalities come through, and I allow it.

This is a very powerful and empowering process that serves to get all in alignment to their Higher Self, Higher Purpose and as close to God/Source as possible. It serves to bring the Spiritual nature of your Being, and allow its workings in your life. WE ARE SPIRITS IN THESE BODIES, and this separation from spirit that has become rampant in the world, is part of the reason for so much unrest in the world, unrest in many hearts, and a sense of loss of the inner self, as deeper meaning and purpose of life is lost to mundane events like just working, making money, travel and that’s it. Our ancestral wisdom was meant to be refined not lost.

Who is this for?

Anyone who wants to experience the fullness of who they are as Spirits (infinite) in this limited physical body (finite), and experience Life from the fullness of Spirit and bring their authentic self, their purpose into their lives and live alive in the world today.

  • If you feel lost ? Troubles in your life.
  • You feel stuck in any aspect of your life, whether health and wellness, or
  • relationships, finances, etc.
  • Desiring more insight , spiritual wisdom and guidance as to howin to move in life in a way that honors your existence and God’s purpose for you here.
  • Desiring to be more in alignment with your true nature, God and Source and feel more deeper guidance from within.
  • Almost any questions can be asked, Your Spirit participates in all aspects of your life, so come open and bring your questions.

What it involves?

Can be Virtual or In-person. Book appointment online, or set up a free phone consult if you have more questions about the process. You will be contacted to schedule date and time.

Sessions usually take 1 to 1.5hrs. Nature Prescriptions and other insights are like prayers, affirmations, etc. are given. Breathwork or other Energy healing methods are also used during the session if there is a need for it.


scholarly and educated and still understanding the space for Spirit, Intuition and Divinations.

John Anenechukwu Umeh: is the first Professor of Estate Management in Africa and Asia. He is a recipient of many national and international honours and awards including

Nigeria’s National Honour of Order of the Federal Republic (OFR). He served as the Dean Faculty of Environmental Sciences after which he went ahead to become the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. He equally served as a Visiting Professor to Postgraduate Centre for Planning. University of Strathclyde Glasgow UK. Visiting Professor in Land Economy, University of Aberdeen UK. Also as a visiting Scholar, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. Well known for his books, one of which is “After God is Dibia”.

Malidoma Patrice Somé was from the Dagara tribe of Burkina Faso, formerly Upper Volta, West Africa. "Malidoma," in his native language, means "be friend with the stranger. & quot; He was an initiated, gifted diviner and medicine man of his tribe. He held three master's degrees and two degrees from the Sorbonne and Brandeis University. His well-known book Of Water and the Spirit: Magic and Initiation in The Life of an African Shaman is treasured throughout the world. In the years preceding his death, Malidoma devoted part of his time to conducting intensive workshops with his wife Sobonfu.